Hyderabad: In a heartrending incident occurred at Bommalaramaram at the city outskirts, 4 students of B.Tech final year including two girls died in a road mishap. The victims were the students of Sri Indu Engineering College located at Ibrahimpatnam.
While returning to their homes after attending a farewell party at a farmhouse in Bommalaramaram, the car they were travelling in turned turtle on a deep curve.
The Times of India, with reference to Bhongir DCP K Narayana Reddy, reported that the party hosted at the farmhouse was attended by 17 students. Of them, 5 students travelling in a sedan met with the accident.
3 students died on the spot while one succumbed to injuries while undergoing treatment at a hospital. The deceased were identified as Sai Chaitanya Reddy of Meerpet, Spoorthy of Kothapet, Praneetha of Chaderghat, and Vineeth Reddy of Champapet. Their friend Maneesh Reddy who was driving is critical.
Police has registered a case under sections 304-a and 337 of the IPC.