Hyderabad: Rachakonda Police arrested the man by name Abid Alam (27) who had killed his wife and child. This was disclosed by Mr. Mahesh Muralidhar Bhagwat, Commissioner of Police, Rachakonda in a press conference held yesterday.
The accused was arrested from Medchal area and later, his statement was recorded.
According to the details, Abid Alam is a native of Bihar State. He murdered his wife Kavita alias Saba (25) and two year old son, Adeeb Alam. It is reported that Abid Alam used to suspect his wife’s character. She reportedly used to talk to other men in her husband’s absence.
After murdering his wife and child, Abid Alam wanted to shift to Bihar for leading a peaceful life.
He was a student of Engineering from 2010-2014. He had backlogs for which he shifted in a rented room at Indiranagar Colony, Vanasthalipuram. Behind his residence, Kavitha used to reside in a hut.
Both developed friendship which later turned into relationship. Ultimately, they got married.
The couple had a two year old son, Adeeb Alam.
On account of suspicion, Abid Alam murdered his wife and son on 28th April and later, fled away.
Police arrested Abid Alam and presented him in the court of law. He was sent to judicial custody.
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