Hyderabad: In an unfortunate incident, a 24-year-old girl died. This incident took place near Ramoji Film City on June 30. The girl died due to her injuries on Thursday, 5th July.
According to the report published in Times of India, the deceased is identified as Shwetha, a student of Netaji Institute of Engineering and Technology. She was the resident of Nalgonda District.
At the time of the accident, B. Bharath (23), girl’s beau was driving the two-wheeler and she was the pillion rider. The girl lost the balance and fell down when she tried to take the handbag. In the unfortunate incident, she suffered from head injuries and later died.
Meanwhile, the family of the deceased lodged a complaint against Bharath at Choutuppal Police Station.
As per the information furnished by the inspector of police, family members of the deceased alleged that Bharath had kidnapped the girl.
Police registered a case against Bharath under relevant sections of IPC.