Hyderabad city police nabbed two men in connection with a gruesome murder wherein man was decapitated and his head and torso were dumped at two places three km apart in the city. Petty disputes among the men is said to be the motive of the crime.
The accused were identified as Srikanth Yadav and Srinivas Yadav, said police. The deceased, Praveen, an auto driver who lived in Ameenpur, was killed by the duo in inebriated state. The police seized the murder weapon, a knife, from the accused.
Police said another auto driver who identified himself as Rajesh approached the Miyapur police on Friday morning stating that he had spotted the headless body of his friend at Dharmapuri Kshetra.
Police took Rajesh to the location, and upon searching, found a severed head on a road near IDA Bollaram, three km away from where the torso was found, said Miyapur
ACP S Ravi Kumar.
Rajesh told the police that he last saw Praveen being forcibly taken away and being assaulted by two men. He said he was present at the scene but ran away due to fear.
Police said that later a financer named Srikanth and his relative Srinivas picked an argument with Praveen and Rajesh over an old dispute.
Suspecting that Praveen was a threat to them, they hatched a plan to kill him. On the fateful day, the two men took Praveen and Rajesh to an isolated area in Dharmapuri Kshetram. The accused killed Praveen, police said, and carried away his severed head on their bike and later dumped it near IDA Bollaram.
Srikanth was earlier involved in an attempt to murder case at Ameenpur, police said.