Hyderabad: Two arrested for operating fake call centres

Hyderabad: The Cybercrime police on Tuesday arrested two persons for allegedly operating a fake call centre across major cities in India.

The two accused were identified as Mohammad Saleem and Mohammed Arif who jointly created fake locations on Google maps and posed as major companies including Samsung, LG, Godrej, and Whirlpool in Hyderabad, Mumbai, Noida, Vizag, and Bangalore among other places in India.

Advertisements of their locations would appear on the Google search bar, which would direct calls to their numbers. In order to receive all these calls, 555 phones were set up at the office in Kurma Nagar, Ramathapur. About 1000 SIM cards were used in them.

These mobile numbers were uploaded to Google Maps and a fake servicing centre was shown to exist in the name of branded companies like “Sky Line Customer Care Repair Servicing Center and IFB 1 Global Techno Service.”

The accused hired technicians and the calls received from the customers were forwarded to them, through these technicians, who in turn reached the customer’s address as if they were from the original brand service centre and thereby cheat the customers. Such customers were charged Rupees 2500-5000 for each repair which is 30 to 40 percent above the price charged by the original call centres.

Saleem and Arif were booked under section 66 of the IT ACT, Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 420 for cheating and dishonesty, and 419 for cheating by impersonation. The police seized 555 regular mobile phones and two smartphones from the accused.