Mumbai: The Shiv Sena on Saturday demanded a probe into the rape of a 19-year-old girl inside a Hyderabad movie theatre, given that other audiences were also present there.
“It’s shocking how such an incident can occur in presence of hundreds of people in a theatre,” Shiv Sena spokesperson Manisha Kayande told ANI.
“There are security guards and CCTV cameras; I don’t know if there are, but ideally theatres should be covered with CCTV cameras. It is quite unbelievable and shocking and should be probed,” she added.
The victim had gone to watch film ‘Padmaavat’ at the theatre on Friday, when she was raped by a man, whom she had befriended on social media two months back.
According to police who arrested the accused, the latter said that he took advantage of the fact that there were only a few people in the theatre and nobody was near them. (ANI)