Hyderabad: At an age when girls play Barbie and Wendy dolls, this 12-year-old Hyderabadi girl, Zunaira Khan has created history by marketing software and training B tech Students. She has emerged as a software developer and a budding entrepreneur.
Zunaira said, “Till now I have trained four to five batches. I work on web and mobile applications. For web applications, I work on HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL database and javascript. Within client projects, I have done mobile applications and business applications. Right now, I am working for an NGO, I have created a website, and I manage their website”.
Zunaira Khan from childhood showed an extraordinary inclination towards her mother’s coaching classes for B-Tech students and insisted upon her mom to train and teach her also.
Today, this wonder kid has her own website ZM Infocom and perhaps is the youngest entrepreneur, attending class VII at Delhi Public School.
The school in recognition of her talents have honored her with the title “Digital Ambassador Delhi Public School.”
Her mother Nishat Khan, according to media reports, was surprised and amazed at her daughter’s interest in the IT business at such a tender age of 7.
To date, Zunaira has about five clients and is about to launch an application for ‘Team Management” which will provide solutions to lack of team identity and slow flow of information.
Mohammed Arbaz Alam, a B Tech student and a trainee from Zunaira’s training class sharing his experience said, “It was truly enriching being trained under her. I am sure what I learnt with her is going to help me in developing my career.”
Zunaira is a brilliant addition to the spectrum of Indian women contributing to their empowerment and a challenge to those who crib and lament about Muslim women and girls lagging behind in education. Zunaira has proved beyond doubt, “Muslims have talents”.
With inputs from ANI