Hyderabad: In a bid to create awareness about traffic rules among youngsters, Mahmood Ali, Telangana’s home minister on Monday launched a mobile application named ‘T-20 traffic awareness test’. The mobile application has a test which judges people on their knowledge about traffic rules.
Anjani Kumar, city police commissioner and Anil Kumar, additional police commissioner (Traffic) were also present at the launch.
According to a press release from the traffic department, the app offers an online multiple-choice test about traffic rules and regulations for persons 18 years of age and above. The quiz has 450 questions divided among sets A, B, and C with 20 questions each. Both English and Telugu versions of the questions are available.
The winners will be awarded a traffic cup.
Candidates will be marked for every right answer they give and persons who scored more than 18 questions will win the ‘T-20 cup’, the release said. The app can be downloaded from Google Play Store and Apple Store or from the Telangana police website.
At the application’s launch, the home minister said, “Every day, traffic is improving in the city. According to a survey, the average speed of vehicles has also increased.” He appealed to parents to not allow minor children to drive vehicles.