Bhagyanagar Ganesh Utsava Samithi has organized a bike rally on Saturday raising slogans of ‘Ganapathi Bappa Moria’. Hundreds of two wheelers participated in the rally, which went through Secretariat, Necklace Road, Sanjeevaiah Park, Upper Tank Bund.
Speaking on this occasion, the participants alleged that Hussain Sagar lake was polluting not because of immersion of Ganesh idols but because of waste chemicals released by the industries. They alleged that some environmentalists were misguiding the people by saying that the lake was polluting just because of Ganesh idols immersion, hiding the real fact that the lake waters were polluting because of chemicals released by the industries.
Khairatabad Ganesh Idol
The Khairathabad Ganesh idol, the biggest one in Hyderabad city, would be ready four days before the schedule day of Vinayaka Chavithi. The artist Rajendren said that the coloring works were launched on Saturday as the 59 feet idol works were already completed.
It may be recalled that the Khairathabad Ganesh idol history was started in 1954 with one feet idol and last year the idol’s height reached to 60 feet. The organizers said that they were decreasing one feet every year from this year onwards and hence they prepared a 59 feet height idol this year. This year, the idol will showcase ‘Three Shakthimaya Moksha Ganesh avathar’. (NSS)