Hyderabad: A man brutally killed his wife under the jurisdiction of Humayun Nagar police station limits. The incident created panic in the area. Inspector Humayun Nagar police station Sunil told that a case has been registered against Ibrahim and investigations are on. According to sources, Afreen Begum was deaf and dumb. Ibrahim had married Afreen as he had no children with his first wife. He had two daughters with Afreen.
The couple had a row, a night before. Ibrahim is said to have smashed his wife’s head on the wall and beat her to death. He left Afreen dying in pain on the floor for nearly one hour and didn’t let anyone come to her rescue. Afreen’s brother Ismail told this to media persons.
Ibrahim’s behaviour with Afreen changed ever since she delivered a baby girl. He kept Afreen at her mother’s house. He was insisting to keep their elder daughter with him along with his first wife.
According to reliable sources, Afreen used to get recurrent seizures. And it is believed that she might have fallen on the floor after getting fits. But Afreen’s brother Ismail claimed that Afreen had stopped getting seizures ever since she got married three years ago. Presently she suffered from no such disease. Ismail urged city police and Telangana government to take strict action against Ibrahim and do justice to Afreen and her two daughters.