Chandrasekhar Rao government has announced Overseas Scholarship Scheme on the lines of ST SC for minority students who want to study abroad under which Rs. 10 lakh financial assistance will be provided. Government has also sanctioned Rs. 25 Cr. for implementation of the schemes. However hundreds of students are likely to be deprived of the scheme.
It must be noted that the last day to submit application for availing the scheme for the year 2015-16 is August 1. There are several students whose fee is due because the government has not reimbursed their fee under fee reimbursement scheme. Consequently the college administrations have withheld their documents like certificates, TC and Bonafide. Hence they are unable to apply for the overseas scholarship scheme. Students have appealed Principal Secretary Minority Welfare Department to intervene into the matter and have requested to extend the last date.
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