“Hum Kagaz Nahi Dikhayenge”; an awareness campaign

Hyderabad: A youth from Hyderabad had started a campaign, ‘Hum Kagaz Nahi Dikhayenge’.

Mohammed Ayub alias Amanat had started a campaign ‘Hum Kagaz Nahi Dikhayenge’ from 8 December 2020. He started the campaign from Borabanda site one. He went door-to-door and urged people not to show any kind of papers to anyone who is coming to them.

The rumours are rounding on social media that the survey of NPR-NRC has started.

YouTube video

Amanat said: ‘80% of women are uneducated and if someone is coming to them asking for their Adhaar or any other details, they easily show them their details, so he urged them not to show any details and tell them that we do not want to be any part of the survey.’