Huckabee in Palestine, causing tension

Gaza, August 19: Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is frustrating Palestinians by backing Israel’s illegal settlement expansions in occupied Palestinian lands.

Huckabee’s outright backing of Israel’s illegal settlements and the illegal annexation of Palestinian lands goes against the already tense US-Israeli relations. Washington has demanded complete halt to all settlements, which Israel rejects.

Establishing a Palestinian state in ‘the middle of the Jewish homeland’ would be ‘unrealistic’, Huckabee, now a Fox News commentator, who is on a three-day tour to Israel, told reporters in Jerusalem (al-Quds) on Tuesday.

Since the time the former Republican governor has landed in Israel on Sunday, he has been visiting some of the most contentious hotspots in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He visited illegal settlements in East Jerusalem (al-Quds) on Monday and paid a visit to the Maaleh Adumin settlement bloc.

Huckabee has also met with dozens of fundamental settler leaders and members of Israel’s Knesset (parliament).

Elsewhere, in another controversial move, Hukabee said that Jerusalem (al-Quds) should be the eternal united capital of Israel.
