Hours before Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath visit, the BJP posted a sarcastic tweet inspired by a catch-phrase from the blockbuster “Uri”: “How’s the khauf (fear)?”
CM Yogi Adityanath will be addressing a public in Purulia district of West Bengal, around 300 km from Kolkata on Tuesday. He is scheduled to fly to Jharkhand on Tuesday and from there he will travel to Purlia by road.
Yogi Adityanath, who was denied permission by the West Bengal government to land his chopper in South Dinajpur district on Sunday, will this time take the road route to enter the state.
He had addressed the “Gantantra Bachao” (Save Democracy) rally in South Dinjapur through a telephone call as he was denied permission to land his chopper on Sunday.
The public rally by Adityanath on Tuesday comes amid a full-blown face-off between West Bengal’s Mamata Banerjee government and the Centre that erupted on Sunday after a CBI team moved to arrest West Bengal Police Commissioner Rajeev Kumar, which in turn detained five officials causing a high voltage drama.
A team of five CBI officers, who went to arrest Rajeev Kumar at his residence in connection with Saradha chit fund scam, were not allowed to enter the police commissioner’s house. The CBI officers were detained by police in Kolkata and were later released.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee extended her support to Rajeev Kumar and started a sit-in protest, in what her Trinamool Congress party called a “coup” by the Modi government.