New Delhi: ‘Trumped: Emerging Powers in a Post-American World’, a new book authored by international affairs academic and commentator Dr. Sreeram Chaulia was launched in the capital on Thursday. Published by Bloomsbury and I.B. Taurus, the book challenges liberal presumptions that America has done tremendous good in the world, and that it is bound to lead the world or else there would be chaos and collapse.
Chaulia is Professor and Dean, Jindal School of International Affairs (JSIA), O.P. Jindal Global University. In his latest work, he argues that US President Donald Trump’s disruptive, populist and isolationist foreign policy has opened the door for rising powers in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa to replace the US and take over leadership of these regions.
The book delves deep into Trump’s approach to international issues, his trademark foreign policy style, the divisions within his ‘two-track presidency’ and how the struggle between ‘nationalists’ and ‘globalists’ in the American polity is impacting the rest of the world.
It reviews how foreign policymakers in key rising power centres of the world are looking at America under Trump and adjusting their national security and economic strategies and also provides fresh thinking about the future of the international order by arguing that the solution to a withdrawing and isolationist US is not a return to a single global order but new ‘post-American’ regionally-based multiple orders
Speaking during the book launch at the United Service Institution (USI) in Delhi, Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director, Vivekananda International Foundation and former Deputy National Security Adviser of India, said that there was a need to develop an Indian narrative on global issues.
“Dr. Chaulia’s book gives us a very confident and bold assertions that countries like India can take advantage of the emerging world order. What will be the shape of this new multi-polar world?” he added.
Following the release of the book, Meera Shankar, Ambassador of India to the United States (2009 to 2011), Dr. Harsh Pant, Professor, Kings College London, United Kingdom, Smita Sharma, Foreign Affairs Journalist and Editor and Marc Reyes, Fulbright Scholar and Researcher, participated in a panel discussion. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Mohan Kumar, Vice Dean, Jindal School of International Affairs and former Ambassador of India to France (2015-2017).
How Trump impacts the world