How honesty and drive can help you bag a job without a good resume

Heading to a job interview without an outstanding and apt resume can be very intimidating, but your honesty and drive can help you bag the job , it has been revealed.

According to ed-tech company, called 2U, that hires without looking at a person’s resume has asserted that it is important to finish a public project on your own or contribute to an open source project, and use it as a replacement for a resume, Mashable reported.

If you do not have any prior experience in the field you are hoping to make your career in, but want to learn and take on challenges, then you should be honest about it and not try to hide this fact.

The company also pointed out that your performance should be such that it forces the employer to hire you.

Networking can also help you get your foot in the door and ultimately rise through the ranks.

All you need is intuition, drive and true passion about what the company has to offer to get hired, the firm added. (ANI)