A simple one hour surgery devised in the UK can reduce high blood pressure and is being hailed as the most exciting development in this field since the advent of anti- hypertensive medication 50 years ago
REMEMBER your disbelief the first time you were told that you “suffered” from high blood pressure? There were no bothersome symptoms after all. But this diagnosis has now put you in the league of friends and relatives already dealing with hypertension.
Bland food and a cutback on alcohol are called for, apart from an increase in exercise and regular monitoring of your blood pressure.
Worst still are the daily pills you now need to keep your blood pressure under control. But take heart, because a recent procedure developed in the UK has the potential of turning hypertension from a lifelong disorder to an ailment that can be dealt with through a simple one-hour surgery.
This new procedure has been performed on two patients so far.
MOST OF us would be surprised to know that the brain rather than the heart and blood vessels is the main body organ that dictates our blood pressure. This explains why so many young people with a healthy heart and sound blood vessels suffer from hypertension. High blood pressure is caused when the brain sends the wrong messages to certain nerves linked to the kidneys.
On getting these signals, hormones are released from the kidney, constricting blood vessels and resulting in a surge of blood pressure.
“ When we talk about genetics being a reason for hypertension, we mean that genes cause a faulty functioning of the brain. Several studies have shown that the brain sends signals to these nerves, which in turn raise the blood pressure. There are also specific medicines for hypertension which act on these nerves to lower the blood pressure,” says Dr Balbir Singh, senior consultant, cardiology,, Medanta- the Medicity.
It is these very nerves that are rendered dysfunctional by the new surgical procedure. A thin flexible tube is fed into the arteries connected to the kidneys and the nerves are destroyed with a small electrical current. This stops the faulty brain signals telling the nerves to keep blood pressure high. Besides being quick, the operation does not damage the artery or the kidney.
Experts believe that the development is promising, but the picture would be clearer when it is used more often.
“ There are several patients who can’t control their blood pressure despite being on multiple drugs.
Compliance is difficult and with age, the blood pressure is bound to rise since the vessels lose their flexibility.
The surgery can provide hope to these people but it’s too early to talk about its success.
No side effects have been seen so far and it seems revolutionary,” says Dr R K Singal, senior consultant, internal medicine, Dr B L K Memorial Hospital.
BLOOD pressure is a measure of the amount of force exerted on the artery walls by the blood pumping through our bodies. When your blood is pumped with more force than normal through your arteries, high blood pressure is the result. Narrow vessels restrict blood flow. This reduced blood flow is detected by the brain, which forces the heart to work harder so that the blood pressure is maintained at a higher level. These adjustments occur normally for instance while jogging. However, in some people the adjustments stop taking place and high blood pressure persists.
These people have developed hypertension.
“ This disease can lead to many illnesses such as heart attack and stroke.
Besides genetics, cigarette smoking, alcohol and high blood cholesterol can also lead to hypertension,” says Dr Vinod Kumar Vashisht, consultant, internal medicine, Fortis Hospital.
According to estimates, high blood pressure affects 20 per cent of Indians above the age of 40 years. A frightening fact is that although you may suffer from hypertension, you may not be aware of it. A few people with early- stage high blood pressure may have dull headaches, dizzy spells or a few more nosebleeds than normal, but these signs and symptoms typically don’t occur until high blood pressure has reached an advanced, even life- threatening stage.
This is the reason why everyone should have their BP checked regularly. Treatment starts with lifestyle measures such as cutting back on alcohol and exercise.
If this doesn’t work, patients need to take medication for life. However, there are potential side- effects, because of which many people fail to comply with these medicines.
IF YOU are hypertensive, your doctors and friends must have told you numerous times that you should reduce your salt intake. This is because the sodium in salt is known to retain water in your body, a mechanism created to prevent dehydration.
But the fact is that an average Indian eats more than 20 gm sodium a day while we need just 3 to 5 gm( 1 teaspoonful).
Too much salt keeps the fluid volume higher than it should be, exerting excess pressure on blood vessels.
Doctors generally recommend diuretics which act on your kidneys to help it eliminate sodium and water, reducing blood volume.
An alternative way to lower the effect of sodium is to increase the intake of potassium.
It’s the balance of these two minerals which helps our kidneys to flush out water but we end up consuming more sodium than potassium. Food rich in potassium include potatoes, yoghurt, tuna and bananas.