HYDERABAD: Four disrespectful hospital staff have been removed from their jobs after their selfie with actor-politician Nandamuri Harikrishna’s body went viral.
The hospital administration at Kamineni Hospital at Narketpally has also apologized for the insensitive behavior of the staff.
Speaking to The News Minute, Ravi, the spokesperson for Kamineni Hospital, said, “We have dismissed the four from service effective today. The hospital staff and administration apologiseS to the public for this insensitivity on the part of the said individuals.”
The selfie, taken soon after the senior TDP leader was pronounced dead has since went viral over social media platforms and has received sharp criticism for their insensitivity.
“This is too bad and can’t believe. We are living in this society and can go such low (sic),” comments one Ashfaq Hussain Syed on a Facebook.
“What they did is sick. But is it correct to share that pic on Facebook, though as a news?” asked Vamee Chaganti another Facebook user.
The former MP sustained grievous head injuries and was not breathing when he was rushed to Kamineni Hospital. Though doctors tried cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he did not respond.