Hook on to fish oil to cure most ailments

For long fish oil has been considered as the best supplement which can fight heart diseases, ease arthritis, and even stave off blindness.

Intake of fish oil supplements is good for the immune system of babies as well as pregnant mothers.

Studies have shown benefits from fish oils for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Fish oils have an anti-inflammatory effect which targets the cause of joint pain and helps the body deal with the pain

The anti-inflammatory effects of fish oils also have benefits for the heart. They reduce the blood-vessel inflammation that can lead to heart disease.

They also stabilise heart rhythm, especially in patients who have suffered a previous heart attack.

Fish oils also contain Vitamin A which is essential to healthy eyes.

Fish oils contain Omega-3S types of polyunsaturated fatty acid which are essential for health.

Fish such as mackerel, salmon, trout, sardines, pilchards and fresh tuna, which are known as oily fish, are the richest sources.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) recommends that one eats a minimum of two portions of fish each week, one of which should be an oily fish.