The Pure Joy and climax on the face of this bigot, murderer, thug, pig, bum, Derek Chauvin, haunts me!!… If intentional MURDER is the fit consequence for’drugs’ or ‘resisting arrest’… then what’s the fit consequence for MURDER???!: RIHANNA.

Enough is enough! What will it take? A civil war? A new President? Violent riots?: CARDI B

Like so many of you, I am angry. I am more than angry. I am Infuriated, and I am disgusted. : KIM KARDASHIAN WEST

We have to address hundreds of years of oppression of black people. The Slogan of #BlackLivesMatter does not mean other lives don’t. It’s calling attention to the fact that society clearly thinks black lives don’t fing matter. And they fing do. : BILLIE EILISH

It will not stop until everyone does their part. Especially white people…do not let your discomfort surrounding social issues prevent you from speaking up for those in DANGER. : DEMI LOVATO

How much more time are we willing to let pass without change? HOW MUCH MORE TIME?: JENNIFER ANISTON

We have known for a long time that President Trump has failed… We have Known he is a fool, and a racist, since…It’s time for a change.: LADY GAGA

Where’s the greater accountability? The leadership to healing. More importantly, the leadership to EQUALITY. : DWAYNE JOHNSON

When will the majority of protest & outrage be led by white people & police officers everywhere? : JANELLE MONÅE