Holistic Strategy with equal centre states efforts answer to reduce PM levels: PHDCCI

New Delhi [India]: PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Wednesday asked the Centre Government in consultation with all states and UTs to form a Holistic Strategy with sufficient funds to evolve quicker solutions for drastic curtailment of PM Levels in the air of its large cities including metros on lines what the Chinese do to make its air breathable with almost a yearly road map and a firm will to implement it.

In a press release issued here today, President PHDCCI Anil Khaitan lamented that the recent measures adopted by the governments both at centre and states to counter the increasing menace of rising air pollution have been casual in approach as a result very little happened in reduction of PM Levels in India air particularly those of its large cities and metros.

Therefore what is called for is a formation of holistic strategy in which Centre and States including UTs should have equitable involvement with same sense of commitment and accountability so that PL Levels are brought down with suggested a road map in place.

Khaitan reminded the policy makers that occasionally banning usages plastic and stubble burning and host of such measures like these will not arrest the core problem and thus Chinese applications need to adopted by India to control air pollution just as it sets yearly targets to reduce emission levels with a proper strategy and sense of its implementation and it is because of this reason that with passing of each year, Chinese emission levels fall.

He also pointed out that when China decides to put up a solar plant or a natural gas project or any other such industrial activities, its prior planning and strategy is so proper and appropriate as to effectively counter ill effects of air pollution and therefore India is urgently advised to learn adoption of measures from country like China so that we are able to give clean air to next generation if not for the surviving ones. (ANI)