Hyderabad: CM of Telangana State, Mr. KCR organized a five day Chandi Yagam Pooja at his farmhouse in which his wife Ms. Shobha, daughter Ms. Kavitha, son Mr. KTR, grandson and granddaughter participated in it.
The Pooja was started Swami Swaroopananda of Vizag. Mr. KCR touched his feet and received his blessings.
It may be mentioned that Chandi Yagam Pooja is being organized for peace and tranquility of the State.
The Sadhus and saints offered special prayers for the peace of the country and welfare of the people.
The surprising event is that Home Minister of TS, Mr. Mohammed Mahmood Ali also attended this program, received ‘prasadam’ and blessings from Swami Swaroopananda.
Governor of TS, Mr. ESL Narasimhan and other dignitaries will also participate in this Pooja.
It may be noted that for the first time, KCR had organized this program on 23rd September 2018 in which Governors and CMs of various States had participated.
It is reported that whenever KCR intends to launch a good program, he organizes Chandi Yagam Pooja. At the end of this Pooja, he intends to expand his cabinet and restart his campaign for non-Congress and non-BJP Front keeping in mind the ensuing Parliamentary elections.
[source_without_link]Siasat News[/source_without_link]