History will not be complete without the description of Maulana Mohammed Ali Johar

A function was held on 10th December at Abul Kalam Azad Oriental Research Institute to mark the 136th birthday of Maulana Mohammed Ali Johar. In his presidential address, Akhil Hashmi, Former Head of the Department of Urdu of Osmania University told that the writing of History will not be complete without making a mention of Maulana Mohammed Ali Johar and his contribution in the freedom struggle of Indian Independence.

Prof. S.A. Majeed Bedar, former Head of the Department of Urdu told that the sacrifice made by Maulana Mohammed Ali Johar and his historical speech made in London on the occasion of Round Table Conference should be included in the school curriculum.

Dr. Islamuddin Mujahid, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Political Science of Urdu Arts College in his speech told that Maulana Mohammed Ali Johar trained a younger generation and taught moral values. He demanded that 10th December should be declared a public holiday and his birthday should be celebrated country wide on that day. Maulana Habeeb Abdur Rahman delivered welcome speech.

–Siasat News