Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) pulled out many Muslims in Hashimpura (Meerut) on 22nd May 1987, took them to the bank of Hindon River Canal and shot them dead. The women and children of those Muslims were crying pleading them to set their men free. The Police Constables searched all the houses except one Hindu house of Tilak Ram where 12 Muslims were given shelter by him. Tilak Ram is in his sixties now. He thanked god that police did not searched his house and he was able to save Muslim families. They left Ram’s house when the curfew was relaxed. One of the Muslims, by name Nayeemuddin has all praise for Ram. He termed him as the symbol of Hindu Muslim Unity.
It may noted that a court in Delhi acquitted all the 16 accused on 21st March in the 28 year old Hashimpura Massacre case. All of them belonged to farmer Constables of PAC.