Hyderabad: Peaceful co-existence of different religions in the city is an example of harmony among communities.
Believers irrespective of their religion have faith in many things out of their religion is such an example of this Hindu family who has been observing Muharram for the last 54 years, a tradition that has been passed on from generation to generation inviting more devotees, DC reports.
Many devotees from across all religions, faiths come at the Sayajalal Chand-saab Baba Ashoorkhana at Trimulgherry to give their respects.
When asked when did this all start, one of the family member said one of their children had fallen sick in the year 1962 at the age of seven and he got cured after the child was made to walk on fire during Muharram.
M. Rajesh, 40 years, one of the family members who follows the tradition after his parents both Hindus started believing.
“My mother narrated this to me in my childhood. When my brother, M. Paramanand Lal, who was then seven, got very sick and would not eat or drink anything. One of our acquaintances told us about the Muhar-ram procession, and asked us to make our brother walk on the fire. My mother took him there and helped him walk. She prayed that she would observe Muharram each year if he gets cured.”