Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh High Court on Monday directed the Additional Chief Secretary and the Director General (Prisons) to be present in the court on Wednesday in a petition related to inhumane conditions in jails in the state.
The court also directed them to explain as to why an order dated March 19 has not been complied with despite grant of sufficient opportunities.
A Division Bench of Chief Justice L. Narayana Swamy and Justice Jyotsna Rewal Dua passed the orders on a petition taken up suo moto by the court as public interest litigation (PIL) on the directions issued by the Supreme Court in matters related to inhumane conditions in 1,382 prisons in the country.
During the course of hearing, the bench expressed concern that the state has not taken note of the directions issued by the court and did not even bother to file an application for extension of time to comply with the orders.
The court in its earlier order dated March 19 had stated that in compliance to court orders dated October 29, 2018, jail premises were visited by District and Sessions Judges, Deputy Commissioners and Superintendents of jails, who pointed out in their reports the deficiencies in drinking water, sanitation and safety of inmates, among other issues.