Mandi (Himachal Pradesh) : Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on Sunday announced Rs. five lakh as compensation for the kin of the deceased in last night’s accident, where at least 12 passengers were killed and 43 injured, when a bus plunged into a deep gorge in Mandi district.
The mishap happened on Pathankot-Manali National Highway in Gallu area.
Due to ongoing strike of the 108 ambulance employees union, the authorities had to face difficulties in the rescue operation. State Transport Minister G.S. Bali has ordered an enquiry into the incident.
The ill-fated bus of the Himachal Road Transport Corporation was on its way to Reckong Peo from Dharamshala when it met with the accident.
According to reports, the bus Kishan Chand lost control over his vehicle while giving pass to another bus on the National Highway.
Nine people, including the driver, died on the spot while others succumbed to their injuries in various hospitals.
Several injured were referred to the PGI Chandigarh and Tanda Medical College, where some are stated to be critical. (ANI)