High levels of radioactive substances, including strontium, emitting beta rays have been detected in groundwater taken from a well at the port of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco) said 3,000 becquerels of radioactive substances per liter were recorded in groundwater from the well, which is located just 6 meters from the Pacific.
According to the Japan Times, as levels of radioactive tritium have been rising in seawater around the port, radioactive substances are suspected to have leaked into the ocean.
A TEPCO official said it was true that radioactive contamination has been found from groundwater near the sea, but they did not know whether tainted water has made its way into the Pacific.
A member of the Nuclear Regulation Authority has earlier said it is ‘highly likely’ that contaminated groundwater has leaked into the Pacific, the report added. (ANI)