Hyderabad: Mr. Krishna Sagar Rao BJP Chief spokesperson BJP Telangana State today said that High Court of Telangana has almost stripped TRS Government bare since last two days. The judges have rightly exposed the brazenness of CM KCR and his government in misrepresentation of facts, evading submission of accounts to even the High Court.
He said that the BJP feels it’s time Governor Dr Tamilsai Soundarya Rajan take a proactive initiative by summoning the State Chief Secretary to place the audited financial accounts of RTC before her from the financial year of 2014 to 2019. She should also demand a white paper of government’s capital infusion and pending dues to RTC since the last 6 years.
As it’s fully evident with High Court’s statements that TRS government and it’s senior administrative officers are blatantly lying to even the High Court and misrepresenting facts, it’s imperative that in her capacity as custodian of the constitution, state governor should intervene immediately.
BJP will take all necessary actions required to expose CM KCR’s shady handling of this massive issue concerning 48000 employees and a public transport system impacting 4 core people of Telangana state.
BJP will fight for the constitutional and legal rights of RTC employees till a right solution is found he said.
Ratna Chotrani