Hyderabad: Telangana High court on Wednesday declined to entertain a plea for taking out a procession on the occasion of 10th of Moharrum. While hearing the plea filed by the Fatima Seva Dal, Justice T Vinod Kumar informed the petitioners that on August 25, Supreme Court has already denied to pass any orders in connection with the taking out a procession for Moharrum.
When the Apex court has declined to pass any orders how can the High Court give consent for a procession. However petitioner’s counsel Durga Prasad argued that only a few persons may be allowed to take out the Alam Mubarak on elephant from Bibi Ka Alawa since its an very old custom of the community.
Every year on the occasion of Youm E Ashura a centralize procession is taken out from Bibi Ka Alawa in old city and culminates at Chaderghat. But this year due to COVID-19 pandemic the Government has prohibited all kinds of processions and mass gatherings at public places.