The High Court of Hyderabad today directed the Police officials to take the 19-year old girl Pratyusha to the residence of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, as earlier suggested by the Chief Minister. The court said further measures relating to her education and rehabilitation would be decided as per the suggestions of the Chief Minister.
Pratyusha, who was put to torture by her step-mother Shyamala and father Ramesh, was rescued by Child Rights Protection Society and the LB Nagar police on July 8 and she was admitted at the Aware Global hospital in LB Nagar. She was discharged from the Hospital this morning after treatment. The police then produced her before the court.
While she was in the Hospital, Chief Minister KCR had paid a visit to her and invited her to his residence after discharge from Hospital. KCR had assured that he would take care of her education, accommodation, etc. (NSS)