Mumbai: Right to Information (RTI) activist Anil Galgali on Thursday said that actor and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Hema Malini, who is caught in a land allotment controversy, must pay compensation for the Coastal Regulation Zone ( CRZ) Act violation while developing Versova plot which was earlier allotted to her.
“A lot of environmental damage has already been done to the land. There was also the violation of Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Act. The Maharashtra Government should take compensation from Hema Malini while developing Versova plot which was earlier allotted to her,” Galgali told ANI.
“The amount of Rs.10 lakhs that have been submitted by her should not be given back by the state government because whenever this kind of land is allotted; there is a condition that the land is not damaged,” he added.
He also accused the state government of being liberal to Hema Malini as she is a BJP MP.
A fresh RTI query revealed that the actress allegedly violated the CRZ Act by destroying mangroves on a plot previously given to her at Versova, for which a notice was served to her in 1998.
Hema Malini has, however, contended that an unnecessary row was being kicked up over the matter as she had already said that she would return the land at Versova once she takes possession of the land recently allotted to her.
The actress-turned-politician is already facing heat from the Opposition for securing a prime piece of land measuring 2000 sq metres for her dance academy in Andheri for a throwaway price of Rs. 70,000. (ANI)