Hyderabad: In many districts of Telangana, there was heavy rainfall on Saturday. At some places, the rain was lighter and average. In twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabd, lighter rainfall continued throughout Saturday.
According to the Met. Office forecast, there will be heavy rains in all the districts of Telangana on Sunday also. Due to South West Monsoon becoming active, there was heavy rainfall in Warangal and Khammam districts. In Bay of Bengal low pressure has been built which is causing heavy rain fall in coastal districts of AP and some of the districts of Telangana.
In Hyderabad and neighbouring areas, Sky will be cloudy and the weather will be cool on Sunday. During the past 24 hours, Hanamkonda had 14.2 mm and Hyderabad recorded 3.4 mm rain.
-Siasat News