Hyderabad: Heavy rains lashed several parts of Hyderabad during the evening hours of Saturday. Heavy rains continued to lash the city leading to water logging in low lying areas and thereby throwing life out of gear in the city. With sudden weather change in the state, many areas received rains for more than three hours on Saturday evening.
Rains poured in various parts of the city in the evening. The maximum temperature was recorded 36.3 degrees Celsius, and according to Telangana State Development Planing Society, heavy rainfall of 76.5 mm was recorded during the evening hours near Narayanguda, Himayatnagar, Nampally and LB stadium in Gunfoundry.
Whereas in the Asif Nagar circle, the rainfall recorded 50.5 mm, Bahadurpura circle 49.0 mm, Khairatabad circle 45.3mm, Charminar circle 41.3 mm, Alwal circle 37.5 mm and in Malkajgiri circle 31.8 mm.
The city was hit by heavy rains this evening triggering heavy congestion, water logging, and trees falling. Even a part of roof of the famous Chowmahala Palace fell due to heavy rains.
Hyderabad received continuous downpour over one week. This was higher than the previous year, creating water logging and traffic snarls in several areas.
The city is set to witness more rain till July 1 as per the Meteorological Department’s predictions.