Today Honourable Minister for EFS & T, T.S Sri. Jogu Ramanna along with Sri P.K. Jha, I.F.S., Prl. Chief Conservator of Forest [HoFF] and Sri. A.K. Srivatsava, I.F.S., Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests (WL) & Chief Wildlife Warden visited Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and reviewed the situation of overflow and seepage of water from Mir–Alam Tank inside the Zoo premises and also analysed the impact on the wildlife housed in the Nehru Zoological Park. The Honourable Minister inspected the Mir–Alam tank anicut as well as the entry point of water into the zoo premises near Tiger Safari. The Honourable Minister inspected the safari area and observed the flow of water situation. Honourable Minister interacted with zoo staff to understand the situation, he also interacted with the media and informed that all possible measures will be takenup duly in consultation with GHMC, Irrigation Department, Water Works Board and other related authorities to find a permanent solution the problem. Honourable Minister also inform the media about the importance of Mir- Alam tank for the Nehru Zoological Park as it is a big source of water to the Nehru Zoological Park for keeping it green throughout the year unlike other zoos of the country. The Honourable Minister highlighted the importance of desilting of the Mir–Alam tank and exploring the possibility of alternative outlets for water from Mir–Alam tank. Photo:Laeeq
Heavy rain floods Zoo Park