Hyderabad: The scorching heat has claimed 317 lives in Telangana since the onset of this year’s summer season. Special Commissioner for Disaster Management, Sada Bhargavi said Telangana, the heat wave has claimed 215 lives since May 15. Temperatures have been hovering around 45 degree Celsius in both the states for the last few days.
A bulletin from the Met department said Ramagundam, Nalgonda and Khammam recorded 45 degree celsius. Sweltering heat wave conditions continued in various parts of the country, causing death of over 550 people, mostly in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, so far in the season.
In Andhra Pradesh, the number stood at 302. National capital Delhi saw the hottest day, recording 45.5 degree celsius. Palam observatory in Delhi recorded a maximum temperature of 46.4 degrees.
Meanwhile Hyderabad saw a respite from the sweltering heat thanks to few pre-monsoon showers over the past two weeks.