Rajya Sabha member V Hanumantha Rao has said that Hyderabad Central University (HCU) vice-chancellor had not listened to any intellectuals advice of not to boycott the students, more so the vice-chancellor made it clear that he had initiated action against students following the directions of BJP MLC Ramachander Rao clearly shows that as to how Central University has become a place for RSS and ABVP.
Speaking to the media at Gandhi Bhavan here on Monday, VH lamented that the vice-chancellor acted at the behest of Ramachander Rao was unfortunate. He alleged that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi shedding crocodile tears saying that ‘Bharatha Matha has lost a good son”, and questioned the Prime Minister whether the latter didn’t know as to how he died. He demanded the Prime Minister to take stringent action against the persons responsible for the death of Rohit.
He alleged that Ramachander Rao was trying to make his brother as a member of AICTE to transform it as a hub of ABVP and RSS.
Finding fault with the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao for not visiting the University yet, VH suggested the Dalit Unions and students to pull the Chief Minister in this regard. He also advised the students to come forward to defeat the anti-dalits in the ongoing GHMC elections. (NSS)