Kerala: Reacting to the Kerala High Court’s judgment, 24-year-old Sruthi Meledath who married to 26-year-old Anees Hameed said that they are a married couple and now the court has endorsed it.
According to the report published in, earlier, Meledath has undergone physical and mental torture at the Sivasakti Yogavidya Kendram in Ernakulam District of Kerala State. In this center, Hindu girls who marry a man of other religion are subjected to tortures to get them back to Hinduism.
Talking to the media, she said that she would continue to be the follower of Hinduism and her husband will follow his own faith.
On 19th October, Kerala High Court while hearing a petition with regard to an inter-religious marriage of Sruthi and Anees Hammed, said that “All love marriages should not be termed as love-jihad”.
“Such kind of marriages should be encouraged. There’s no boundary for love,” the court added.
The court allowed Sruthi Meledath to go with her husband Anees Hameed while ruling the marriage as ‘valid’. The duration of the legal battle was six months.
It may be mentioned that Sruthi and Anees Hameed were classmates and were in an affair for a couple of years.
After completion of their graduation, Meledath enrolled in the master’s program at the Taliparamba Arts and Science College whereas Hameed got a job in a company in New Delhi after completing masters in Business Administration through correspondence.
The couple informed their parents about the relationship but Sruthi’s parents warned her against pursuing it.
Sruthi married his classmate Hameed against the wishes of her parents. They started living in Sonepat.
Meanwhile, rumours spread in Kerala that a Muslim man had taken a Hindu woman with him to join the Islamic State.
Meledath’s parents filed police complaint although, she informed her parents that they are safe in New Delhi and are not going to Syria.
Police arrested them and brought to Mangalore.
After getting her back, Meledath’s parents took her to the Yogavidya Kendram where she was subjected to mental and physical torture.
When Meledath was in the center, Hameed was fighting legal battle to get her back.
Based on a habeas corpus petition which Hameed filed, Meledath got an opportunity to express her view in the court. She said that she wants to live with Hameed.
After hearing the case, court allowed Sruthi Meledath to go with her husband Anees Hameed
However, their struggle not yet over. When police came to New Delhi to arrest them, they told to Hameed’s manager that he is a member of Islamic State.
Now, Hameed is not sure whether he can be able to get his job or even get a new one, whereas, Meledath is worried about a revenge attack on them.