New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Thursday sought the response of Delhi Police for the notice it issued on Suhaib Ilyasi’s 15-day interim bail plea. The former TV anchor and producer was convicted of killing his wife Anju 18 years ago.
Iliyasi had appealed for bail through advocate Rajiv Mohan to the court to take care of his ailing second wife. Ilyasi said he has to look after his wife and asked that he be released on interim bail for 15 days.
A trial court on December 20, 2017, sentenced Ilyasi to life term for stabbing his wife to death, saying he “committed murder and gave it a colour of suicide”. A fine of Rs 2 lakh was also imposed on him and he was also directed to pay Rs 10 lakh as compensation to Anju’s parents.
Ilyasi as an anchor came into limelight after hosting the TV show ‘India’s Most Wanted’. He was arrested on December 20, 2017, after Anju’s family alleged that he used to torture her for dowry.
A bench of Justice S Muralidhar and Justice I S Mehta asked the police to file a status report before the next date of hearing on April 26.