Mumbai: Restraining the producer of the film Ram Janmabhoomi, Waseem Rizvi, from releasing it without certification from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), the Bombay high court has asked YouTube to take off the trailer of the film till it is not certified by CBFC.
The HC issued the directions while hearing a petition filed by activist Azhar Tamboli seeking a stay on the release of the film as well as the withdrawal of the trailer till the film was reviewed and certified by CBFC. The petition stated that if the film was released, it would create unrest and disrupt communal harmony in the country.
A division bench of justices B P Dharmadhikari and Sarang Kotwal pointed out that the subject of the movie was “very sensitive and shows the polarisation of Hindus and Muslims, which started mainly after the Babri Masjid demolition.
In the petition filed through advocates Hasnain and Raeed Kazi, Tamboli also claimed that the trailer of the film was highly provocative, promoted communal disharmony and violated section 5B (principles for guidance in certifying films) of the Cinematograph Act.