The Hyderabad High Court has directed the Telangana State government not to demolish the Secretariat building complex till the next hearing.
Taking up hearing on a PIL filed by CLP Deputy leader T Jeevan Reddy, who alleged that the public exchequer would be deprived of many crores of rupees if the State government demolished the present Secretariat building complex, the High Court admitted the PIL for hearing. The Court also made it clear that it could order an inquiry into demolition of Secretariat building but it would not interfere with the shifting of the Secretariat from the existing one. The Court directed the State government to file a counter with full details.
State Advocate General Ramakrishna Reddy submitted to the Court that the demolition of the Secretariat building and shifting of the Secretariat were part and parcel of the government’s policy decision. Ramakrishna Reddy informed the Court that the State government will file a counter with all details. The Court adjourned the case for two weeks. (NSS)