Hyderabad: Telangana High Court on Wednesday asked the state government to pay full pension amount to all the pensioners of the state. A division bench of the court passed the orders while dealing with a petition filed by pensioners JAC leaders Laxmaiah.
In his petition, he told the High Court that the state government had deferred 25 percent of the total pension of the pensioners in the month of April and added that the decision had made over 3 lakh pensioners of the state to suffer a lot. He urged the HC to issue orders to the state government to not deduct their pension for the ongoing month of May. Responding to this the counsel for the state government told the High Court that the state government was reviewing its decision to defer the pension of the pensioners.
Following this, the High Court told the state government that it would pass orders for the payment of the pensions on June 1 if the state government had failed to do so. Later it adjourned the matter till June 1.