Mumbai: Actress Disha Patani on Tuesday said she has not walked out of any project with Hrithik Roshan, contrary to media reports blaming the “Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai” star of scaring her off with flirtatious behaviour.
Disha shot down what she called “childish and irresponsible gossip about Hrithik sir and me” via social media.
“I would like to say it’s completely untrue and in the minimum interaction that I have had with him, he has been one of the most dignified and joyful people. It’s my regard for him as a person that is making me even respond to something like this trivial.
“There is no truth in me walking out of any project with him,” she wrote.
The rumours are in relation to a film starring Hrithik and Disha’s alleged beau Tiger Shroff. According to a section of media reports, Disha walked out of the film because Hrithik had flirted with her and made her feel uncomfortable.
Hrithik has also slammed the reports, albeit in a unique way.
Sharing a screenshot of two online Hindi news report on the matter, the actor penned Hindi messages loaded with sarcasm.
“For the progress of your website, consider this tweet as a contribution. In future, state it clearly that you need help.”
To another website, Hrithik recommended a set of exercises “to clear the minds of any rubbish”.