New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) general secretary Ram Madhav on Monday said that the new tax levied on the chopper service to Vaishno Devi Shrine will be reviewed as he has conveyed the message to the Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister.
“I had a word with the deputy Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir regarding ‘Jizya’ tax on pilgrims to Vaishno Devi. I have asked him to discuss it with the Chief Minister and review the new tax levied on the chopper service to Vaishno Devi Shrine.” Madhav told ANI here.
With the Congress flaying the decision of PDP-BJP government in Jammu and Kashmir to levy service tax on pilgrims, he said, “It is the Congress which is playing politics of ‘Jizya’ tax from the last 60 years.”
The PDP- BJP Government has levied 12.5 per cent service tax on Vaishno Devi pilgrims travelling from Katra to the cave shrine of Vaishno Devi. (ANI)