Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said on Thursday that the state government plans to organise ‘Rozgar Melas’ (employment fairs) throughout the state to provide regular employment to skilled youth.
The Haryana government had introduced the ‘Saksham Yuva Scheme’ for educated unemployed youth on November 1, 2016, as a part on the Swarna Jayanti Year (Golden Jubilee) celebrations. In April 2017, the scheme was expanded and science, engineering and equivalent B.A (Math) graduates were brought under its cover to provide benefit to the maximum number of youths.
According to officials, under this scheme, monthly unemployment allowance of Rs 3,000 is given to eligible unemployed post-graduates besides honorarium of Rs 6,000 for 100 hours of work, which works out to Rs 9,000 per month. Graduate unemployed youths get unemployment allowance of Rs 1,500 per month and honorarium of Rs 6,000 for 100 hours of work, taking the total to Rs 7,500 per month.
Khattar said that 49,995 youths had so far got themselves registered under this scheme out of which 43,246 were approved, and honorary work was allotted to 31,389 in different departments, boards and corporations.
“With a view to providing more employment opportunities to the youth, the state government has been laying special emphasis on industrial development,” he added.
State Labour and Employment Minister Nayab Singh said that this was a unique initiative of the state government and the other state governments have shown interest to follow this scheme.
Principal Secretary, Employment, T.C. Gupta said that so far a sum of Rs 77.94 crore has been disbursed as unemployment allowance and honorarium to eligible candidates.