Mumbai: Harshvardhan Rane and Sanjeeda Shaikh will topline the cast of Kushan Nandy’s upcoming thriller, Kun Faya Kun. The cast and crew have created a video to announce the title of the film.
“Since the title of the film is like a mystery in itself, pulling the audience in, we thought it would be perfect to give them a sneak peek into what to expect from the film by telling them a bit, and holding up a bit,” said Nandy, who last helmed the Nawazddin Siddiqui -starrer Babumoshai Bandookbaaz.
In a quirky video, the lead actors talk about the meaning of the title and also drop hints about the film’s genre in an intriguing and creative way.
Harshvardhan explained the title thus: “Be… and it is!”.
“The announcement video also gives out the amazing on-screen camaraderie that Harshvardhan and Sanjeeda share, and we hope we have been able to pique the audience interest with it,” added Kushan.
Kun Faya Kun, produced by Naeem A. Siddiqui, written by Ghalib Asad Bhopali, goes on floor on Thursday.
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