Irrigation Minister Tanneru Harish Rao, who turned 43 on Friday, took blessings of his maternal uncle and Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao at the camp office here. Harish Rao drove straight to the CM’s camp office and took KCR’s blessings by touching his feet. On the occasion, KCR blessed his nephew and minister, who was toiling for the State development.
Earlier, party leaders and others visited Ministers Quarters at Banjara Hills and greeted Harish Rao. Home Minister Nayani Narsimha Reddy and Chief whip Koppula Eshwar cut a cake and offered it to Harish Rao amidst women leaders danced in glee and gusto. Harish Rao, who was born in Chintamadaka village in Medak distict, also the birthplace of KCR, studied in Polytechnic at Masab Tank in Hyderabad before becoming youngest MLA from Siddipet at 32 years from in 2004 elections. (NSS)