Dehradun: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat led the hill state in celebrating the 70th Independence Day on Monday. He hoisted the national flag at the Parade Ground in the state capital and felicitated freedom fighters.
In his address, Rawat paid homage to the freedom fighters who laid down their lives for a free India. He also detailed the achievements of the hill state under Congress rule and said it had now become one of the front-ranking states of India.
“Our per capita income has increased but there is much more to do and create more jobs and facilities in the state” he said in his speech. He also announced that by 2018, his government aimed to give pension to ten lakh retired personnel, who are seven lakh as of now.
He also announced that his government would give free LPG cylinders to Below Poverty Level girls. Some more incentives for adhoc workers and freedom fighters were also announced.