Hyderabad: Former Congress M.P. of Rajya Sabha, Mr. V. Hanumantha Rao met the Commissioner of Police, Rachakonda, Mr. Mahesh Muralidhar Bhagawat and complained that the victims of Hajipur did not get justice so far even though 9 months have elapsed.
Mr. Hanumantha Rao mentioned that three girls were raped and killed in Hajipur. Police arrested the murderer but he has not been punished so far.
Mr. Rao pointed out that even after the announcement of awarding punishment through fast track court, the victims did not get justice yet.
Mr. Bhagawat assured that steps would be taken to resolve this case within a month.
Later, talking to newsmen, Mr. Hanumantha Rao told that CM of TS has no time to call on the family members of vet doctor who was murdered in Shamsabad but he finds time to attend marriage functions regularly.