Minister for Textiles and Information, KT Rama Rao today said that they got complete data related to handloom weavers in the state by conducting a survey and offered them Geo- tagging and Aadhar linkage. The Government will implement welfare schemes for the cause of the handloom workers he said at a review meeting here. Stating that handloom workers in Telangana produce a record Rs 717 cr worth clothes of 209 lakh meters, he asked the officials to immediately set up a separate corporation to procure the handloom product from the weavers and help them get marketing facility. A major 80 per cent share of total production comprises silk production worth Rs 539 cr he said and added that steps will be taken for getting the handloom clothes needed demand in the markets. The handloom industry in the state needs Rs 206 cr worth yarn the state government plans to give 40 per cent of input subsidy of Rs 82 cr in addition to 10 per cent of subsidy being offered by the Centre.
The government is offering sops and incentives to the handloom workers and weavers and will also procure major production to get them marketing facility and benefits. As per a survey there are 16776 handlooms including 5505 under societies. He said that the officials concerned had completed a study of Co-optex type of handloom industry in Tamil Nadu. Textiles Director Shailaja Ramaiyer and other officials were present. (NSS)